Sunday, May 7, 2017

Space Travel With a Twist

This is a short story I literally came up with in the middle of the night! It woke me up and I decided to put it to writing! It's all made up, I Googled very little, I just wrote as it came to me hopefully for your enjoyment!  (*_*)


               SPACE TRAVEL
         With a Twist!


          My name is Dalton Daniels. As far back as I can remember I've been interested in the stars, space, Astronomy, and, are we alone in this vast, limitless universe? I have purchased and developed a very intricate radio transmitter and receiver system that I go to great lengths to keep a secret from the world! Here, in the 21st century I have learned ways to secretly connect to many of the communications satellites orbiting the earth! I'm certain, in my heart, I know, there has to be other life forms other than just humans on this earth! So, I'm obsessed with doing whatever I can to make contact with an alien from another world! I transmit my signal and my message out into space continuously 24-7 in hopes of someday someone from another planet, another galaxy will somehow connect to my signal and make contact with me before I die!
         Because my radio equipment causes a lot of interference in everybody's television I had to move out in the Arizona desert where I can be alone and no one will complain about my radio transmissions! I still work, I'm a professor at a local university where I teach Astronomy but I leave my signals transmitting around the clock! I've built a little "bunker" like room down in the basement with a 100 foot antenna sitting right on top of it! My entire radio system is computerized and records everything so all I have to do when I get home is go through all the data that's been recorded while I was at work.
          Sometimes it gets disappointing, everyday I check my data only to find nothing! But, it doesn't stop me. Another life form traveling through space is still not going to reach this earth overnight! Space travel can be complicated. Distances from star to star or galaxy to galaxy can be mind boggling! However, a superior life form just might have achieved, or mastered the secret associated with space travel! Just because humans on earth haven't figured it out yet doesn't mean someone else hasn't, right? Of course, I know, probably 99.999 per cent of earth's population do not believe in UFO's or ALF's. Their argument is, why, if a super intelligent species has mastered the ability to travel hundreds, maybe thousands of light years to reach earth's atmosphere, why wouldn't they land, come out and talk to the world of mankind? After all, they would have so much they could teach us! Being a superior race they would have no reason to fear puny humans with antiquated weaponry, right? So, they say it's not logical that life forms from other galaxies thousands of light years away would exist, and if they do they would never fly hundreds of millions, maybe billions of miles just to do a fly by of the planet earth and leave without stopping to say hi! Ok, their argument makes sense and like I said, the majority of earth's population feels that way! However, that other very small per cent of humans that believe there is life out there somewhere will make up a few million people worldwide! They have an argument of their own!
          While it's extremely feasible that the earth has been visited by an alien species, there may be dozens, maybe hundreds of very good reasons why they don’t land and come out to greet earthlings! Perhaps they were given orders not to do that! Maybe it would cause worldwide pandemonium! Panic could spread like wildfire! After all, people of earth are known to have the propensity to snap when they are frightened and don't understand something! It would be a kindness for the aliens to avoid causing something like that to happen.
          Humans have already been to the moon, with Mars definitely in the very near future! When they land on the moon or mars, are they able to just open the door to their spacecraft and walk out onto the surface? No! it would kill them without extremely prepared and sophisticated "spacesuits" right? Well, perhaps aliens from other worlds have the same problem with earth's atmosphere! They may not survive in an atmosphere of hydrogen, nitrogen, and oxygen, so, to avoid dying they must stay inside the confines of their spacecraft where they are protected from what otherwise might prove fatal!
          Possibly, they would be vulnerable to earth's bacteria, virus's, and germs! Exposing themselves to microscopic organisms that don't exist on the planet where they live. Doing so might mean certain death. So, when thinking about this logically, we can see there are many reasons why an alien species might visit our earth but not land right? They may have even stumbled onto our Milky Way Galaxy not necessarily looking for earth and decided to do a quick scan of our atmosphere and our planet and then head out to God knows where! It all makes sense to me anyway.
          Here's the way I look at it, if you are one of those who chooses not to believe that an alien species from far away galaxies could possibly exist, well, fine! If your someone like myself that believes it's absolutely feasible that there is life elsewhere in this limitless universe, also fine! It doesn't matter how we believe, either way will not add or take away one second of our life span! So, believe the way you want to believe and be happy! That's how I look at it! Like I said, I totally believe that there is life out there, somewhere in the infinite, awesome, universe, someone is out there just like me hoping to some day make contact with another life form other than there own! At the university, I often find myself deep in a conversation with a college student on this very subject! People in general can see my obsession with life forms from far way places visiting earth with some people even being eyewitnesses to this happening all the time! of course, I talk very little about my secret bunker under my house! The last thing I need is winding up in the cross hairs of the FBI or CIA or any other government agency! So, some things I keep to myself! This way, I can continue my research and keep hoping that someday an alien will find my signal and will also find a way to communicate with me! Nothing in this life will make me happier than that! I said I come home every day and find nothing on my computer but that's not entirely true! I do in fact pick up a lot of signals from all kinds of agencies here on this earth but, of course, that's not what I'm looking for. So, I delete unwanted signals right away just to be safe! Some of them might be classified to the extreme, which could land me in a lot of trouble!
          Day after day, week after week, on and on it goes! I keep searching, probing the universe looking for alien life forms I can hopefully communicate with. Seasons come and seasons go! Years pass and nothing changes but the weather! I upgrade and refine, and fine tune my computer equipment always looking for ways to make my signals I'm sending into deep space stronger! After years of doing this I finally began to lose my enthusiasm! I felt my interest beginning to grow cold! I felt like I will most likely die without ever making contact with an alien species! I've long since retired from the University, I'm all alone out here in the Arizona desert! I never married always being to busy with my students and with my obsession with deep space!
         Today, I work on my own, part time, as a private Tutor for students that need extra help with their college classes. Just a little something to keep me busy and make a little extra money which never hurts right? One day after I was done with a student I decided to stop in my favorite restaurant for dinner and a glass of wine. When I got home it was getting kind of late, well, it was for me anyway. Tired, I went straight into my bedroom and got ready for bed. The one night I didn't bother to check my computer data. Almost asleep, suddenly I heard something! Opening my eyes I listened thinking maybe it was just a dream! There it is again! A noise I've never heard before! A strange, weird noise coming from my underground bunker! My first thought was someone was in my cellar messing with all my sophisticated equipment! I'll kill anyone who damages or destroys my equipment I swear I will!
         Grabbing my gun from my nightstand drawer I headed for the stairs that lead to my secret cellar! Quietly, I slowly made my way down the stairs! There were no lights on except the lights from the computer screens! Looking around, I saw no one, nothing! Then in shock, I looked at my huge 60inch flat screen TV that's connected to my main frame computer! There it was! I was receiving a signal unlike anything I have ever seen before in my life! The signal that was flashing across my screen was extremely powerful! I knew what it was immediately! It was some one from deep space trying to connect with me, trying to let me know it has found my out going transmissions I've been transmitting for decades! My heart is about to pound its way out of my chest! I dropped my gun and began working on my computer! I entered a few commands and reached for the microphone! Pushing the button, I said: "this is Dalton Daniels, transmitting over station WBBRE, Arizona, United States of America, do you read me?" I got nothing but static! I made a few adjustments on my computer and said my introduction again! Still nothing! I could tell whoever it is, is trying desperately to make contact with me! I'm beginning to hyperventilate now! I have to reach whoever it is I just have too! Using my "Dash" key and my "Period" key on my keyboard I began tapping out a message in Morse Code in case he's someone who can understand it! I opened all frequencies at my disposal hoping he will connect to one and we can talk clearly! But, it was all to no avail, we couldn't make the connection and it was breaking my heart! There has to be something I'm not doing! I wound up getting so tired I had to quit and go to bed, I wasn't functioning clearly any more!
           I only slept for maybe 3 or 4 hours and opened my eyes, struggling to clear my head I thought, was it just a dream? Or is someone really trying to make contact with me? When I finally woke up enough to think clearly, I ran back to my "bunker" and right away I heard a voice! It was a faint sound of someone saying something! It was to faint to understand but I knew, he worked on the signal all night until he got it strong enough and clear enough to transmit his words! Once again, my heart was pounding like a drum! I began immediately working on my keyboard entering commands struggling to make the signal stronger, clearer! I was making progress but slowly! Eventually, I could just barely hear his voice! It sounded squeaky almost cat-like! Grabbing my headphones, I put them on and turned the volume up as loud as I could! Now I could hear him speaking but in a language I couldn't understand!
          I'm so excited I want to cry! Speaking into the microphone I said: "This is Dalton, transmitting over frequency WBBRE, Arizona, United states of America, OVER!" I waited for a minute, I heard him say something but it's not in English! I'm starting to Panic! I said: "can you translate your language into Earth's English?" I got no response so I said it again and again for the next 15 minutes! Nothing! I waited. I kept waiting….. After about 30 minutes he broke in and said: "Is this the English you request?" Oh my God! Now I'm on the verge of a heart attack! He's talking to me in English! This is more exciting than anything I could have ever hoped for! His voice is still almost cat-like but now I can hear him and understand him! Awesome beyond awesome! I said: "that's affirmative, I read you loud and clear!" not really all that loud and clear but I said it like that anyway! I said: "you have made contact with Dalton Daniels, on Planet earth, third star from the sun located in the Milky Way Galaxy, do you read me?" I waited a minute. He said: "I read you loud and clear! I am Commander Nebulon, from the galaxy "Namthor," a distance from your Milky Way galaxy that cannot be calculated in your human equations mathematically speaking!"
          I have so many questions! I asked the first one on my mind. I asked: "are you anywhere close to earth and if so, will you find me so we can meet and talk…. Over?" His response was nothing short of mind boggling spectacular!! A minute passed. Finally, he began! "I began receiving your transmission 25 earth years ago! But it was so weak and so faint I could barely make sense of it. It was decided that I should begin my space journey heading in the direction of your radio signal. Some of this may be hard for you to understand so I will try to make it as easy as I can for now."
          "Locking onto your signal wasn't difficult, my computer is more powerful than you as a human from earth could possibly imagine! So I locked on, at the time I was a distance of 200 megatillion light years away from your earth! So, it required a minimum of 12 of your earth months to reach maximum velocity that my spacecraft was capable of reaching, a speed that you cannot comprehend, once attaining the required speed the spacecraft will automatically become a "Time Machine" enabling me to travel to the far reaches of the physical universe in just a few years that would otherwise take hundreds, maybe millions of years to accomplish! Once I reached maximum velocity, I entered a capsule that automatically places me into a state of suspended animation where my aging process is slowed to almost nonexistent! The computer does the rest!"
          My spacecraft becomes a "time machine" because it is moving so fast it literally jumps from century to century, or millenium to millenium, or periods of time even greater than these allowing me to cross vast sums of space in just seconds or even minutes, which in turn allows me to reach you in just a few earth years while I lay sleeping in a state of suspended animation and completely unaware of the time or the distances I have traveled! Two earth years ago my ship entered the outer edge of your Milky Way Galaxy. At that time, the "onboard computer automatically opened my capsule and hit me with a few light jolts of electricity to jump start my heartbeat and to bring my circulatory system up to "normal" and I exited the capsule and began working on slowing my spaceship down to a speed that will allow me to reach your earth without hitting it so hard at extreme speeds that it could destroy your atmosphere!
          As of this moment my ETA is approximately two weeks from today, I will have entered your earth's atmosphere and still being locked on to your signal I will look for a safe place to land and we can meet at that time! I have much I want to teach you and I want to show you things so magnificent it will stagger your human imagination!" So, what can I say here? I'm so excited I think I'm going to explode! I radioed back and said: "Listen Commander Nebulon, you shouldn't have any problems finding a safe place to land! I live on ten acres of land that is mostly wide open desert here in Arizona! I will make any advanced preparations you request to ensure you have a safe place to land. OVER?" after a minute passed Commander Nebulon said: "I do have one important request my computer shows your earth is two thirds covered with water! Water is extremely fatal for my species! There must not be any water on your property that might interfere with my landing! I cannot express my concerns enough about this, it means my very life!…OVER"
          Once again, I responded: "Commander Nebulon, I assure you there is no above ground bodies of water on my property! You're safe to land here at your discretion! OVER!" his reply was: "Ok Mr. Daniels, everything appears to be all systems Go, in the meantime, turn on your computers video chat and we can communicate face to face for the next two weeks as I approach your Solar system, is that agreeable to you?" I thought to myself…"is that agreeable to me?" Hell yes!! You dam betcha it's agreeable to me!!" But I replied: "that's affirmative Commander!" From there our communication stopped for the time being. I'm an old man now and I'm afraid I might die of a heart attack just thinking of actually talking to an alien life form from a galaxy maybe billions of light years away! After an entire lifetime of dreaming of this happening it's almost unbelievable that it's actually going to happen! I keep thinking it might be just a dream and I'll wake up and be so brokenhearted I'll want to die!
          Everyday for the next two weeks we talked for hours as he approached planet earth! I was pleased that he looked nothing like the weird aliens dreamed up by Hollywood film makers! You could tell he was not a human from earth but he also wasn't a freaky mutate that shocks human sense abilities! I have no doubt he felt the same way about me! This is proving to be the longest two weeks of my entire life! Each night I would go outside to search the clear beautiful desert sky just to see if I could find Commander Nebulon's spacecraft racing towards the earth but to no avail! He's probably still moving to fast to see with the naked eye anyway!
          Finally, one day he radio's in and says: "Mr. Daniels, I'm going to give you a special show, something never seen by another earth "Human Being," and it may be another 10,000 years will pass before another human gets to see something like this again! Are you ready?… OVER?" Excited as a schoolboy, I said: "that's affirmative Commander Nebulon! I'm ready when you are…OVER!" I was left speechless and spellbound as the Commander turned on his extremely sophisticated, highly advanced external spacecraft camera's! I felt like I was looking out of a window of his spacecraft, like I was in the spaceship with him watching in unspeakable delight as he began to navigate his way around Saturn even making it look like he was floating just above Saturn's Ring! It was too beautiful for words to describe! He turned and literally went into a fast moving orbit around Pluto (now a dwarf planet) making one complete orbit before leaving Pluto and in barely a minute he was orbiting Jupiter! He was giving me a close up live action view of planets we may never get this close to for thousands of years! This is nothing short of an astronomer's Dream of Dreams!


                                  Commander Nebulon had to be traveling at speeds way beyond the speed of light but it didn't seem like it! It actually seemed like he was traveling in slow motion which made everything look so beautiful! I suddenly had this thought! It's impossible for me to even imagine what this Space Traveler has seen with his very own eyes! Then I thought: "I wonder if Commander Nebulon would even consider taking me with him when he is ready to leave earth on his quest to search out other planets and other life forms taking me to the very edges of universal infinity!" 
           Oh my God! If only! What the hell, I have no one on this earth who gives a tinkers dam if I live or die! I want to do this! I really, really want to do this!! I decided I would wait until he lands and I meet him face to face before asking him to take me with him. After all, what can he say? All he can say is no! BUT…what if he says YES!!! I can only hope!
         Finally, the time arrived! It was around eleven o'clock at night but I have been waiting with anxious anticipation! I told him to land behind my house where most of my property is anyway, he'll have lots of room back there! I'm still watching as his ship enters earth's atmosphere! I feel like I'm a part of his landing party! This is so cool! We are communicating as he approaches my property and once again he asks: "ok, Mr. Daniels, I'm about to touch down, your sure there's no water behind your dwelling right? OVER." I said: "that's affirmative Commander, your clear to land! OVER." I think I'm about to wet my pants I'm so excited! THEN….Commander Nebulon began screaming in a horrible voice like he was being tortured or something! I began yelling into the microphone: Commander, what is it? What's wrong! Please respond! What's the matter?" He broke in still screaming: "I'm in water! You promised me there was no water! Why did you lie to me! HELP ME! I’m Dying!!!! AAAAAGGGGGHHHHH1 HELP MEEEE!!!
          In a panic I got up and ran toward my back door! He must have blown off course or something! How could that happen with his highly advanced electronic equipment? It would be impossible! My backyard floodlights were already on! I ran out the back door and I saw nothing! I heard nothing! What the hell I thought! He did something wrong, he landed somewhere else, he had to! I looked up at the night sky as I walked out into my backyard for a little ways. My dog, Zorro, came up to me looking confused knowing something was bothering me! Then…….I looked into Zorro's huge water bowl I keep right by the water faucet,  with water dribbling into the bowl to keep it full at all times so he will never be out of water! In the water bowl I saw a 6 to 8 inch in diameter saucer sinking to the bottom with a trail of smoke or steam floating into the night! It was dissolving quickly! Disappearing right in front of my eyes!
         With tears in my eyes I said to myself: "dam, I DID NOT SEE THAT COMING!"


  Voices in the Wind The Vampire and the CheetahLing  The Orphan Vigilante


1 comment:

Space Travel With a Twist

This is a short story I literally came up with in the middle of the night! It woke me up and I decided to put it to writing! It's all ma...